BluNuke는 해외 SAT 기반 원자력 교육 및 발전소 현장에서 21년의 경력을 보유하고 있습니다. 생성형 AI와 뇌 과학 이론을 통해 직원들의 학습 목표를 달성하고, Line Manager와 지속적으로 성과를 공유하며 솔루션을 제공합니다.
BluNuke has 21 years of experience in SAT-based nuclear training and power plant operations. Through generative AI and neuroscience theories, we help employees achieve their learning goals and continuously share results with Line Managers, providing solutions
Services We Offer:
Current Nuclear Training Program Diagnosis
SAT- Based Instructor Training
SAT-Based Operations/Engineering/Maintenance Training Program Development
Nuclear Fundamentals Training
Nuclear Systems Training
Position Specific / Specialty Task Training Development
And so on…